Hosting Industry News & Special Reports

What Does the Tumblr / Yahoo Deal Really Mean for You?

Many people who use Tumblr were less than enthused when they heard that the web hosting site had been bought out by Yahoo. While Yahoo has been a big name in the industry for many years, it's also true that their recent track record has been less than stellar.

Free Web Hosting Sites Vs. Paid – Which One is Right for You?

While everyone wants to know whether they should take advantage of a free hosting site or if it's worth it to pay a little and have the pros do it, the truth is that there isn't one simple answer for everyone. The needs of one site are drastically different from the needs of other sites.

What to Look for In Web Hosting Sites

There are many sites out there that can help you host your own website. In fact, while it's great that there are so many options, the sheer number of those options can make it difficult to make the right choice.

All About The Dedicated Server

In your search for a web host, you have most likely come across the term 'dedicated server'. The dedicated server is just that: a server dedicated to you and you alone.

Do I Have to Register All My Domains With My Hosting Company?

If you are planning on only having 1 domain, then you might as well take advantage of the freebie. Usually, hosting companies will give you a free domain for the first year along with the hosting plan and then charge higher than normal prices to renew each year.
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